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Unconscious Mentation and Hypnotherapy
by: D.H. Clayton Ph.d

For nearly a hundred years the Freudian concept of the nature and function of the unconscious mind has dominated psychological thought. The governing premise of psychoanalytic theory, though scientifically unfounded (Erickson, M., 1993), none-the-less, has greatly influenced the ways in which psychotherapy has traditionally been practiced in both Europe and North America for the last ninety years. The Freudian unconscious most Westerners were weaned on was hiess und nass; incestuous and taboo. Mostly, however, it was primitive and irrational. Consequently, for the better part of this century, western man has learned to mistrust, as well as attribute all unacceptable beliefs and fears to his unconscious mind. In effect, he has made a part of himself "bad" and in need of redemption via various psychotherapies all designed in some way to make the unconscious conscious. The idea that the our unconscious minds process information separately from our conscious minds and use that information in ways we don't consciously understand, seems to have frightened many during the last age of rationalism. Yet, the idea of a non-conscious mental life, with its own information processing abilities, began long before Freud and Breuer (1893-1895) published “Studies in Hysteria”. Hemholtz was first to receive notice for his idea that unconscious inferences determine conscious perception. Janet, a contemporary of Freud, observed the dissociative abilities manifested in human behavior and believed he had delineated the etiology of conversion reactions. (Ellenberger, 1970; Macmillan, 1990) Janet's ideas, in turn, appear to have influenced William James (Taylor, 1983); leading us up to Hilgard's (1986; 1992) neo-dissociative theory of divided consciousness.
Treating Psychosomatic Disorders: Negotiating  with the Unconscious in Trance
by: D.H. Clayton Ph.d

A hypnotherapeutic approach using ideomotor signaling is presented as a way of treating psychosomatic disorders. The approach underscores respect for the integrity and autonomy of unconscious processes and takes into account the degree to which the symptomotology is acceptable and / or considered necessary by an individual's total personality. The assumption is that if there is a willingness on the part of the personality to have the symptoms, there can also be a willingness to control the symptoms in order to avoid handicapping the personality. The reader is provided with a conceptual orientation which emphasizes rapport building with the unconscious, leading to strategies for symptom reduction and / or resolution via ideomotor signaling.


Criteria for Selecting a Trance Subject

Transcribed from “The Letters of Milton H. Erickson” Zieg and Geary, 2000.

Misconceptions of hypnosis

Gathered and taken in large part from the lectures on tape of Milton H. Erickson M.D.

Time Distortion in Hypnosis

Cited from Cooper, Lynn and Erickson, Milton. “Time Distortion in Hypnosis”, 1982 Second Edition.

The Brain as a Functioning Organ

Taken from audio tapes of Erickson’s lectures and workshops

Deep Trance

Summary of lectures on tapes given by Milton Erickson.

Milton Erickson and Clark Hull

Notes taken from “The Letters of Milton H. Erickson”, Zeig and Geary, 2000

Pain and Hypnosis

Summary of lectures
on tapes given by Milton Erickson.

Relaxation and induction

Taken in large part from lectures on tape given by Milton H. Erickson M.D

Hypnosis in Dentistry

cited from lectures
on tapes of Milton Erickson.

Technique for Induction of Resistant Patients

Summary of lectures on tapes given by Milton

Top-Down vs. Bottom-up and Hypnosis

Summary of an article from the Science Section of the New York Times.



Hypnotherapy with a lung cancer patient

Case report and Presentation given by D.H.Clayton in seminar conducted in Zacatecas , Mexico.


The following material taken in large part from lectures
given by Milton H. Erickson M.D.


Case Study


Presentation and seminar given by D.H.Clayton Ph.D in Huehuetenango, Guatemala.


Lecture given by D.H.Clayton Ph.D. on 12 2002 in Monterrey, Mexico.

Textos en español


Tratar los componentes emocionales de la niebla mental por Covid

por: David H. Clayton P.hD

El papel de la expectativa del hipnoterapeuta

Independientemente de la técnica de inducción empleada, es esencial para el desarrollo de trances
hipnóticos la expectativa y la creencia inquebrantable del hipnoterapéuta de que su sujeto hipnótico entrará en trance.

El uso de la disociación en psicoterapia hipnótica

Guión hipnótico, con modificaciones, parafraseado de las grabaciones de audio de las
conferencias de M. H. Erickson

Un nuevo tratamiento para el trastorno de estrés postraumático

por: David H. Clayton P.hD

La Biología del Trauma

Las de a continuación: son notas compiladas de: Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The Biology of
Humans at Our Best and Worst. Penguin. También, notas compilados de: Kolk, Bessel Van Der,
(2015). The Body Keeps the Score. Brain, Mind, and Body in the healing of Trauma. New York, NY:
Penguin Books

Personalidad Infravalorada

Delirios de insuficiencia. Por D.H.Clayton Ph.D

Teoría de eventos y motivación en hipnoterapia

por: David H. Clayton Ph.D

Dilema de adopción

por: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Trance profundo

Un resumen de las enseñanzas de Milton H. Erickson M.D

Experiencias Ego-Sintónico y Sugestión Indirecta

por: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Febrero en Guatemala

por: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Tratamiento hipnótico de las convulsiones no epilépticas

por: D.H.Clayton Ph.D.

Formas indirectas de sugestión en la levitación de la mano

Dr. Milton Erickson. Documento no publicado con Ernest Rossi 1976-78.

Dolor e hipnosis

Notas tomadas de M.H. Erickson MD "seminarios de

El trance poshipnótico espontáneo y sus usos terapéuticos

Las dificultades encontradas en el proceso ordinario de inducir un trance
hipnótico adecuado para la hipnoterapia son bien conocidas por cualquier
profesional experimentado en psicoterapia hipnótica.

Fenómenos de la hipnosis

Notas tomadas de M.H. Erickson MD "Seminarios de Enseñanza"

Inducción de relajación

Sujeto sentado y razonablemente cómodo en una silla (con descansa
brazos). Manos descansando sobre los descansa brazos de la silla.


Primero aprenderemos que tenemos una mente inconsciente porque, todos soñamos todas las noches y, a veces, todos recordamos un sueño, pero rara vez lo entendemos, ¿verdad?

Orientación a la realidad y sugestiones indirectas

La mejor prueba de la hipnosis es la reacción al entorno total y cómo la
realidad externa afecta al individuo y cómo éste responde a ella.

Teoría de la Mente

Notas y resúmen extraídos de “Social Why our brains are wired to connect”. Matthew D.
Lieberman. Departamento de psicología, psiquiatría y ciencias bioconductuales, UCLA. 2013. Broadway Books; Nueva York.


Textos en inglés

Hypnotherapy with a Lung Cancer Patient

A case study by David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Theory of mind

Summary of: Social: Why
our brains are wired to connect. written by Mattew D. Lieberman Dept. of Psychology, Psychiatry and
biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA, 2013 Broadway Books, New York.

Hypnotic phenomena and dream life

Summary of lecture on tapes given by Milton Erickson. Delete what is now written there.

New Hypnotherapeutic Treatment for PTSD

Paper by D.H.Clayton Ph.D. Delete what is there now.

Research on Neurobiology of Trance

Summary of notes taken from the following authors and Sources: (1) Sapolsky, R.M (2007) Behave: The Biology of Humans at our best and worst. , Penguin books. (2) Kolk, Bessel van Der, (2015) The Body Keeps the Score. Brain, mind and body in the healing of Trauma. New York, NY. Penguin Books. (3) Pollan, M. (2018) How to Change your mind. Penguin Books.

Undervalued Personality

Paper written by D.H.Clayton Ph.D.

Spontaneous Post-Hypnotic Trance and its Therapeutic Uses

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Treatment of sexual Abuse in Adult Female

By: David H.Clayton Ph.D.

Multiple Hands Open Arms

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Event Theory and Motivation in Hypnotherapy

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Hypnotic Treatment of Non-epileptic Seizures

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Ego-syntonic Trance Experiences and Indirect Suggestion

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Developing Cooperation with Trust-Challenged Clients in preparation for Hypnotic Psychotherapy

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.


By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Adoptive Dilema

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

Hypnotic use of dissociation in hypnotic psychotherapy

Summary of lectures on tapes given by Milton Erickson. Delete what is now written there.

The role of the hypnotherapists’ expectations

Summary of lecture on tapes given by Milton Erickson. Delete what is now written there.

Treating the emotional components of Covid Brain Fog

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

February in Guatemala

By: David H. Clayton Ph.D.

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